Become a Patron
Very early in our history, the Parrsboro Film Festival was affectionately referred to as “the little festival that could.”
You might ask, the little festival that could do what?
support a short film competition with prize money
screen recent Atlantic Canadian feature films and documentaries
host filmmakers or actors to speak with their films and participate in Q&A sessions
increase awareness of the talented films and filmmakers from all of the Atlantic provinces
host a Gala reception with live music and delicious food and provide an East Coast atmosphere where film lovers can mix, mingle and discuss
In keeping with our philosophy of supporting the film industry, we pay for the films we show, provide travel and accommodation for guest speakers and continuously upgrade our facility and equipment to provide the best viewing experience possible. In order to make all of this happen on a limited budget, we look to fans and film lovers from our community and beyond to support what we do.
If this sounds like you, perhaps you would like to support the Parrsboro Film Festival by becoming a Patron of the Festival.
What does that look like?
You will receive two tickets for the entire festival
Your name will be announced and noted in the Parrsboro Film Festival program
You will be part of the continuing tradition of supporting the Arts in Parrsboro
You will help to support the Atlantic Canadian Film industry
You will receive a charitable donation receipt from the Parrsboro Band Association (The Hall)
Thank you!
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Use e-transfer: Please send your donation of $250 to and include the comment "Patron for the 2024 Parrsboro Film Festival". The above account has been setup for autodeposit.
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Send an email to the Film Festival Committee chair, Lori Lynch...